The Fraternity of Light was founded in 1977 by Richard Sherdil Amin Macko as a non-profit, non-denominational organization within the Sufi lineage of Hazrat Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan. The Sufi Path of Awakening recognizes and honors the Divine Message expressed through all spiritual traditions and religions of the world.
The Vision of the Sufi Path of Awakening is…
To awaken humanity to the divinity in all.
The Core Value of the Sufi Path of Awakening is…
There is no reality but God and all live, move, and have their being within that One Reality called God. God exists within the heart of every human being and can be found by knowing how to look within and outwardly in the world for ‘Wheresoever you turn, there is the face of God’!
The Mission of the Sufi Path of Awakening is...
To bring spirituality into everyday life as inspired by the vision and message of spiritual liberty brought by Hazrat Inayat Khan and continued by Richard Sherdil Amin Macko
To find new ways to apply the spiritual ideals of love, harmony, and beauty to the challenges and opportunities of everyday life
To provide spiritual training to all interested people in order to bring about a meaningful personal transformation culminating in a balanced, happy, harmonious and creative life;
To serve God in humanity by helping to relieve suffering through promoting ideals of Service, Unity, Charity, Respect, Spiritual Ecology and Global Ethics, and by offering and participating in activities that manifest these ideals.
To foster harmony and goodwill among people of all faiths by promoting an understanding of the Unity of Religious Ideals; by restoring balance to life through recognizing and honoring the Divine Feminine; and to honor the divine message as manifested through its many forms and expressions.
The Goals of the Sufi Path of Awakening are…
To be a vehicle in the service of humanity, universal awakening, and spiritual freedom.
To support individuals as they awaken to their inherent divinity, and gain a clearer and deeper understanding of their own spirituality and purpose in life.
To make available to all people, authentic practices of meditation, to develop resiliency, promote harmony and health, overcome adversity and fulfill life’s purpose.
To offer an authentic initiatic path to awakening within the Sufi lineage of Hazrat Inayat Khan.